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Showing: 1 - 10 of 10 RESULTS

What Employers Hiring Bookkeepers for Small Businesses Need to Consider

Understanding the Role of a Bookkeeper A bookkeeper plays a pivotal role in the financial health of small businesses. Their primary responsibility revolves around maintaining accurate financial records, which is …

Navigating Self-Employment and Universal Credit in the UK

Self-Employment and Universal Credit in the UK If you’re considering self-employment in the UK and are wondering whether you can claim Universal Credit, then read on. Being self-employed can be …

Understanding Your UK Tax Code for PAYE

Understanding Your UK Tax Code for PAYE As an employee in the United Kingdom, understanding your tax code is essential to ensure that you are paying the correct amount of …

The Importance of P60 and P45 Documents in Managing Your Finances and Taxes

Why Do You Need a P60 and P45? The P60 and P45 help when it comes to managing your finances and ensuring that you are paying the correct amount of …

Managing Taxes for Sole Traders: How Much Should You Save?

How Much Should Sole Traders Save for Tax? Being a sole trader comes with many advantages, such as being your own boss and having the freedom to make your own …

Changes to Minimum Wage Rates from April 2024 in the UK

The Changes to Minimum Wage Rates from April 2024 in the UK In the United Kingdom, the minimum wage is set to undergo changes in April 2024. As the cost …

person using laptop computer holding card

Making Tax Digital: Revolutionising Tax Affairs for UK Businesses

The Introduction of Making Tax Digital Since its introduction in April 2019, Making Tax Digital (MTD) has revolutionised the way businesses in the UK handle their tax affairs. This initiative …

close-up photo of assorted coins

The Importance of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) in Bookkeeping

Understanding Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Money laundering is a serious global issue that affects the financial industry and society as a whole. It involves the process of making illegally obtained money …

VAT Returns and How Bookkeepers Can Help

Understanding VAT Returns Value Added Tax (VAT) is a consumption tax that is applied to the sale of goods and services in many countries around the world. Businesses are required …

person using MacBook pro

The Role of Bookkeeping in Financial Reporting and Analysis

Bookkeeping plays a crucial role in the world of finance, specifically in financial reporting and analysis. It is the foundation upon which accurate and reliable financial information is built. In …